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Old 04-08-2013, 02:25 AM
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Cubeman Cubeman is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 122
Cubeman is on a distinguished road
Default FS Oceanic Biocube 14 complete setup - Langley

For Sale Oceanic Biocube 14 - complete reef setup with livestock

Comes with
- Oceanic stand with glass door with coral motif
- Preset heater that fits in back compartment
- Oceanic circulation pump plus Koralia nano powerhead
- Two aftermarket LED strips (one white, one blue) for graduated lighting and moonlight (original biocube moonlight burned out)
- Newly installed actinic and 10, 000K bulbs
- Spare filter insert
- 2 spare cooling fans (new in bag)
- Filter Bioballs

Livestock includes
- Clownfish (in picture)
- Bicolour Blenny
- Liverock
- Frogspawn coral
- Hammer coral (multi heads)
- Corky finger
- Trumpet coral (multi heads)
- 2 leather corals
- Psammocora contigua encrusted rock (this is a low light sps that grows well under compacts)

Anything else you see in the pictures (shrimps, snails, algae magnets etc) that is not listed above is not included.

Not parting out at this time.

$300. Please PM me if interested.

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