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Old 04-07-2013, 10:31 PM
colette39 colette39 is offline
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Default 45gallon fish list

I'm just wondering how I'm doing for livestock in my 45 gallon fowlr tank:

1-Clown fish
1-Striped Damsel
1-Coral Beauty
1-Matted Filefish

38 lbs of live rock

I'm in the process of adding a 10-20 gallon sump. I have a cs50 overflow and a 700gph submersible pump. I'm just stuck on only having 8 inches of depth in my tank stand and 18 inches high.

I also have a 10 gallon with:
1-Pistol Shrimp
1-yellow Gobie
1-blue yellow damsel
1-white yellow damsel

15lbs of live rock
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