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Old 04-07-2013, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Palmer View Post
I am guessing a 120 g long would take 3 bags. I wasn't planning on doing any more water changes than I normally do which is a lot. The idea was to just let it cycle and then utilize a cleanup crew. But maybe I shouldn't try this experiment.
Oops, sorry for some reason I thought this was a 41-gallon tank. I must have been reading some other thread. Hence my reference to my 50-gallon tank.

You could try it, if all else fails you siphon the sand out and try again. If you fill the tank halfway with FW, let it circulate for a couple days, then test ammonia, nitrate, and phosphate that will give you an idea where you stand.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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