Thanks for the reply Asylumdown, that makes more sense to me. Other than reducing collection pressures by eliminating the US market for corals, the ESA listing would not be effective in many ways and may have negative impacts by banning coral aquaculture in the USA.
I do think closing the US market would significantly reduce collection, which may or may not increase populations. In situations where there is no data I tend to stay on the cautious side, which is why I am not as strongly against the ESA listing as other hobbyists are. Despite that, I've decided not to support the ESA listing due to the majority of the species being outside the USA's range of enforcement and it's negative influence on the development of coral aquaculture in the USA and abroad.
The main reason I do not want to write a comment on behalf of MASNA is because I do not want to be associated with them in any way. They seem to claim the scientific high-ground when it suits their interests, but when there is no science to support current practices their opinion seems to be "maintain status quo". Not a big fan of lobby groups.
On the bright side, coral culture will still be legal in Canada even if this passes