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Old 04-03-2013, 04:19 PM
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asylumdown asylumdown is offline
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asylumdown is on a distinguished road

I'm starting to see AEFW damage everywhere, but I think it might just be my imagination. I'm getting really paranoid because I just realized that one of my larger, healthier acro colonies that was growing all gangbuster style before I left for mexico is completely, 100% dead. I didn't notice until this morning because it's in a depression of one of my rocks, and a birdsnest colony has grown large enough to make it hard to see.

I don't think that flatworms can take down and entire colony that fast, but I have three different colonies of that same species/colour morph (proof you need to vary the stores you buy coral from) and it's the only that's dead. The only other thing that I can think might have killed it was a temperature spike, my Apex tells me that my tank hit 27.6 degrees the day before I came home from Mexico - it must have been really sunny and warm outside for the house to have gotten so warm inside. Sometimes I regret the choice to put in floor to ceiling windows along the south wall of our house...
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