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Old 04-02-2013, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
FWIW, I had AEFW years ago, long before anyone knew what they were. I saw a couple now and then under the scope, and just thought they looked cool and put them back in the tank. The tank thrived for years. I had a 6-line wrasse, not sure if that helped.
But the task of moving a full SPS into QT ,weekly dipping, etc, would probably be way worse than dealing with them in tank. Worst case, one coral gets hit bad, so toss it out. Unless these things were absolutely killing all my corals, I wouldn't do anything other than baste and buy wrasses.
Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
I believe Sanjay Joshi lives with them. Just looking at his tank is proof that you can do this no prob.
I just looked at my bottle of CoralRX. It expired in November 2011 - perhaps that explains how I got them

Here's my plan of attack: I just ordered a couple bottles of Revive and RPS All Out from Reef Supplies. When they get here, I'm going to dip all my acropora corals that I can easily get off the rocks in the All Out. If I see no signs of any more worms falling off, I'm going to call it a day and only think about it again if I see new damage to a coral. No crazy interventions, and I don't want to mess with something that doesn't seem that broken.
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