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Old 04-02-2013, 05:33 PM
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This quote from a thread on WAMAS' forum ( is exactly why I don't want to QT all my acroporids:

"Through all of this - I lost no corals to AEFW. I lost corals to being moved around from tank to tank, and from over-long dipping, too-harsh dips, etc. But the AEFW damage corals pretty slowly. They are pretty fragile creatures, and rarely survive more than 24 hours in a cup of water at room temperature. They have a tendency to just 'dissolve' (autolyse) when they get stressed."

My knee jerk reaction to ich in my tank led to me killing every fish I had when the QT tank they were in over-heated. I'm sure some/most of those fish would still be alive if I had left them in the display and learned to manage ich. I wanted to 'eradicate' ich from my system - and I did, by eradicating all my fish. I'm going to try my best to manage this in a way that doesn't put the lives of my otherwise extremely healthy corals at risk. From what I can see after extensive searching, next to nothing is known about the life-cycle of this parasite, and the guy who wrote that long post found that even after leaving some acroporids in his tank while he experimented on the infected ones, his system was cleared of infection by treating the infected corals. That gives me some hope. I also found it interesting that he found crushed garlic pills would kill the flatworms at high concentrations. That might be something to invest in.
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