Nano Fish and Verts - GVRD
Due to time constraints, I am shutting down my 29 gallon nano and have the following available for local pickup:
Atlantic Sailfin Blenny, Emblemaria pandionis
Yasha Goby, Stonogobiops yasha & paired pistol shrimp, Alpheus randalli
Yellow Assessor, Assessor flavissimus (ORA)
Rainfords Goby, Amblygobius rainfordi
3 or 4 sexy shrimp, Thor amboinensis
2, 3 or 4 pompom crabs, Lybia sp. (no pompoms)
1 red mithrax crab, Mithrax sculptus
"nano" sea star, unknown
several (8?) regular and super Nassarius Snails, Nassarius sp.
1 green maxi mini anemone, Stichodactyla tapetum
4 or 5 Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab, Calcinus laevimanus
1 or 2 Margarita Snails, Margarites pupillus
Genus and species are correct to the best of my knowledge and obviously the exact number of some of the inverts can not be determined until I break down the tank and separate everything from the rock.
I am looking to sell this as one lot at this time only, if it doesn't sell as a group, I will repost a new ad.