I really need the rock gone first, so if someone is interested in some well established rock now is your chance! If you buy the rock I will throw in free corals.
Ocellaris clown (pair) - $40
Sailfin tang (small) - $60
Boxfish - $30
Talbot damsel - $2
Yellow Chromis - $2
Flame Angel - SOLD
Tomini tang - SOLD
Corals (I will grab some photos later)
Green frogspawn - $30
SPS frags - $10 each
Torch - SOLD
Bubble tip anemone (nicest colour ever) - SOLD
Green Stag - $25
Cyphastrea - $35 SOLD (except for one green one that must come with rock)
Large Candy Cane - $30
Large zoanthid colony - SOLD
Cleaner shrimp pair $30 SOLD
Halloween Urchin - $15 SOLD
Halloween hermits - $5 each (One left)
Sandsifting seastar SOLD