Originally Posted by Oilers
This might be the wrong forum to post your question. No wonder THE BEAR isn't here yet to lay his paws on the fish yet 
I have been a little busy today.
First off, welcome to CanReef.
Second, call Wei's tomorrow & tell them there is a problem with the butterfly, not a health issue but an issue with it nipping at your coral something they said it wouldn't do. Try your best to keep it alive & away from your coral. If I had my FOWLR going I would offer to fish sit until you talked to
How long have you had the butterfly for? They will never change from coral munchers no mater what you try to feed them.
Always research any & all fish you want before you buy, don't always trust what a person at a store tells you. I can't believe that Wei's would give some bad advise, I have always received good info from them.
Butterflies are not a good choice for a reef tank unless its a Copperband. If you need any advise or help let me know, shoot me a PM.