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Old 03-28-2013, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Goatman View Post
Is there anything written by this person stating this claim?

Inidentally a castfish is not a Moorish idol.

Everyone has heard of a few that seem to live okay in hobbiest tanks, but when even pro's with access to live sponge have difficulties keeping them alive, the "claims" made by showing a video where a Moorish idol eats pellets is simply a gimmick and could potentially waste the lives of Many idols because people buy what your selling..there are far too many over inflated claims in this hobby as it is.

Without documented proof it's useless.

This is not to take away from the quality of the food, merely the claims that it will keep hard to keep species alive. One pellet feeding does not a healthy Idol make.

Is there any science or any research provided for this food I can read?
I think the science is in the volume of zoos and aquariums and research centers using the food. But you can always email New era and ask directly they are very open, nothing to hide with the worlds leading researched food.

In regards to the catfish, you can email me and i will forward you his email so you can ask him directly. His name is Serge and he runs a tropical fish store in Moncton.
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