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Old 03-27-2013, 04:24 AM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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They don't bite, they don't need to. They can split a thumb open with the speed of a 22 caliber gun with their smashers, plus they have a 1/2" spear that can unfold at the end of the smashers that they can stab your fingers with and probably go right through it. That's got to hurt quite bad.

Here in this picture you can see the spear that can unfold and they can strike a finger or a hang with it. So they can hit with the spear folded and only smash, or they can also unfold their spear and strike with it.

Originally Posted by Skimmer King View Post
Wil they bite
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...

Last edited by daniella3d; 03-27-2013 at 04:27 AM.
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