Just an update
it does not look like the puppy is completely blind.
he does react to light and appears to have some vision in his one eye
unfortunately he is not doing well.
he is dehydrated despite every effort of mine to keep him going.
Now I am getting up every 2 or 3 hours and sticking him on one of the moms to suckle for a while and trying to give him water via pippette.
the vet did not really give him much hope
I am separated him from the other puppies because he gets trampled far too often.
now, he is staying in his own area with a heat pad.
at night he cries because he is lonely so he now sleeps on my bed with the other dogs.
not cool because now I am becoming attached to him and will be ****ed if he doesn't make it.
for those that have stated that they are willing to look at giving him a home, I want to keep him with the mother for as long as possible because right now it is the only thing he will eat.
I will keep everyone posted.
keep your fingers crossed for him.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP