Prizm Skimmer
Look, the bottom line is that when accepted experts, like Scott Michael, routinely publish information with regard to suitable fish husbandry and people choose to ignore or blatantly disregard their EXPERT OPINIONS it's beyond frustrating.
P.S. You'd have a difficult time accusing me of being hypocritical considering the largest and most active fish I've ever owned was a Flame Angel housed with 2 Ocellaris Clowns and a Firefish in a 90g aquarium. Admittedly, I'm rather conservative when it comes to stocking recommendations (i.e. I would NEVER own a Tang of any species).
And finally, sometimes it's important to engage in these heated debates on inflammatory topics - anyone who remembers the SANO wars on Aqualink thanks their lucky stars that there was so much controversy that led to debunking the myth surrounding the "snake oil."