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Old 03-24-2013, 07:28 PM
ChefFish ChefFish is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Red Deer
Posts: 78
ChefFish is on a distinguished road

I'm far from an expert but this is what I see. You have mushrooms, pulsing xenia, candy canes, some palys. The light is a double metal halide HQI with T5's or possibly compact florescent. What its worth depends on what brand it is and what wattage the MH's are. They are probably 150 or 250 watts. The ballasts that should be with it probably has a sticker on it with all that information. I also see a Hagen master test kit in the background. Personally I would choose a better brand for testing as they aren't overly accurate IMO. API offers a pretty cheap test kit that is more accurate.
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