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Old 03-23-2013, 10:16 PM
Jeff000 Jeff000 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 217
Jeff000 is on a distinguished road

Got lots done now, fish are in the tank, and everything is coming together, just a massive mess right now.

Here are the drains finished.

Overflow kinda finished, the right pipe is my emergency pipe, I have a T on it right now because I cut the pipe a 1/2" too short.

Gap between the tank and the wall above it, I think I'll use that pond spray foam to fill the gap?

All the fish in, and my first aquascape, most fish still hiding.

Vertex Alpha 300, this is a big skimmer, dual pumps, but dead quiet.

Looking into the sump... not sure I like just having a bunch of live rock in there, but not sure what else I would do.

Vibration isolation mounts for my pump, started with a hammerhead, but that pumped just too much water for my overflow weir to handle, this barracuda flows a much more appropriate rate.

And the current aquascape, not sure I am really happy with it still.

And a couple fish shots here.

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