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Old 03-22-2013, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
are you gluing your stuff directly to the rock? I also had a few corals in multiple spots but would have done much more of this had I drilled my rock to peg the corals in place.
At first I was breaking them off their base rocks, then super gluing them to new pieces of marco rock rubble, and then epoxying those rocks in to place, but that was before I was sure if I was going to keep my rockscape. Recently I've just been epoxying things directly to the rock and letting them grow over it, as you can see the epoxy for less time. I am however currently regretting that decision, as my new anemone went walkabout this morning and I've had to break 4, soon to be 5 colonies off the rocks to get them out of it's way. I'm pretty sure it's climbing to the highest point on the current rock, so I'm going to re-work things a bit to make sure that rock is an island, as I'll need to move half the corals in my tank (many of which are fully encrusted on the LR) if it makes it off it's current perch.
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