Originally Posted by Duker
sweeet ghl mitras, i would love to see it. from what ive been reading they are the ****
seems as though everyone is selling their radions and aqua illuminations to get these. Hmmmm glad i waited to go LED. new builds are fun hey? and jon i too still have some sweet zoa frags for sale and quite a bit of sps frags that are ready to go too, to help u fill up ur tank. 
I think i will still take you up on a zoa frag . thanks . And I would like to check out your setup as well . everytime i meet a new reefers tank i always learn a bit more . everyone does things a little different ..
So I am due for a little update ..
Ok so , I got my second Vertex Libra .. This one is top notch out of the box . so all is well.
So I gathered up the apex , the libra and quickly realized that i had literaly nor where to put this stuff . lol ..
OFF to the garage to build a mini cabinet to hold the equipment . I wanted something that looked like it kind of was ment to be there . And i wanted it to hold all aquarium electronics . To save them from moisture etc
Took 5 hrs from wood to stained .
Then i rushed to drag it into the house too show off to the wife .. Well it let vapours into the air for 3 days lol not cool .
but i got started the next day on wiring everything up .
then once everthing was in place .. my struggle began with the APEX networking into my house.
I stayed up till 4 in the morning trying to get the wireless game adapter too even hook up to my router. I gave up ..
Next day went back to future shop .. Bought a netgear wireless adapter and bam .. was hooked up in minutes. I spent the rest of the morning tinkering with the apex online .. I love it so far .. Was so happy i went and picked up and additional ep8 power bar.. For expandability etc.. so far so good.
Then my Mitras came in ... ran to Blueworld at 5 pm to get them.. Got home and had them hung in a matter of 20 minutes ..
But my hapiness was quickly met by more software frustrations.. the Mitras will NOT connect via usb to a windows 8 pc .. I tried every darn trick on the net to no avail.
So the next day i sourced a differnt laptop and quickly got into tinkering with the lights .. so far i have no idea what im doing lol .. But i uploaded a light program from Rice Reef .. THANKS buddy for emailing that to me soo quick!
I then moved on to complete wire organization.. i spend hours trying to zip tie and route wires in a clutter free manor , I cleaned up everything under the sump .. I also installed some under counter mount LED lights to the cabinet and sump area so i could see something for once.
Got tired of holding the blackberry in one hand over the water to see lol..
well I have a whole wack of coral in the tank now .. So figured i should do my first water tests for the big 3..
ALK 7.5
Mg 1050
Ca 350
salinity 1.025
Guess i have work to do !
Will get on a few water changes here to try and raise that .. then decide what and how to dose ! and quick im guessing ..
All the corals are doing great .. Thanks RICE ...
off to bed ..