Prizm Skimmer
I am far than be an expert on tang but I keep them for at least 10 years now because they are
IMO the most beautiful and easy fish to care in aquarium reef
To all my knowlege a tang that is not happy swim
from on corner to and other all day long and praticaly never stop like if he want to get out of the tank
I find that when they are acclimatate to you
and the tank and came eat in your hand without any fear your tang is simply happy and is not stress anymore by is habitat
I have in my 130 tank a yellow,a purple and a blue
they leave in a six foot tank and they all live in the left side of the tank, rarely swim on the otherside. Did they need bigger tank maybe yes and who know but they realy not seem to have any sign of stress look colorfull and happy as they play all day long piking at rock and swim in current sometime get made between them or maybe they only play like child
On the other hand I found that clown tang are realy big swimer and not very good in a tank even six foot long I have no other experience with other tang but I see a lot of very big naso look very hapy in tank similar as mine
This is my experience with tang I hope it will help