Prizm Skimmer
Thanks for the intelligent input Diomedes. Some fishes keepers I tell ya, they have nothing else better to do than try to bring others down.I have been snorkeling and diving in enough parts of the world to say from personal observations that blue tangs most of the time will only take up about two feet territory in a small head of coral, as damsels and wrasses for example take up way more space. My reef is by no means large but I do provide a full three feet of swimming space and lots of current. I wonder if some of the tang police provide this much room in actual lenght after they overload there reefs with rock, coral and fish. I have seen a 72 gal and a 120 gal tank so crowded that I had more room for excercise than both of these tanks. So the tang police can stop wasting your keys(breath) and pick on some one your own size- like yourselfs. Try to determine if your reefs are any better. :D