Prizm Skimmer
"Keeping a Tang in a 27 gl tank is not acceptable huh naesco?" What the hell do you know about the range that small hippo tangs occupy in the wild. This massive rant from you consciensious-yet-poorly-informed group of aquarists ****es me off. You claim you care so much about this guy's regal tangs? Well look at your own systems and the pathetic size of them compared to the range of any fish you keep in the wild. You will find that you are in the same boat, because your fish aren't going to distinguish a 33gal footprint from a 135 gallon footprint after 5 days in either. And how about the size of these tangs? If they are small, his 27-with-a-33gal footprint is fine. Paracanthurus hepatus spends much of its time hiding in the wild, scooting from spot to spot. So before you all go jumping on this guy remember that a Tang is gonna get bored with your 135 gal in only a few days, and a samll tang will get bored with a 33gal footprint in about the same. Big deal, stop standing on some freakin platform like you are all marine ecologists. You have all done stupid things to fish before if you have any experience at all, so be at least polite if you wanna voice your OPINION. That's right its just your opinion. Keep your high-brow crap to yourself, you are not the Tang police, you are just a bunch of Egoists waiting to jump on someone who believes differently. The building of a natural landscape, with established live rock and sand bed, strong currents to exercise your tangs, a selection of appropriate foods etc. is more important than size (providing the tang isn't 10 inches long and your tank ten gallons). Either way unless you have 10 to 15 km's of fresh reef a day for your tang, then convict yourself, tang police.