If your house is new-ish you should have an exhaust fan that vents outside from your furnace cold air intake. Typically it's turned on manually with a light switch under your thermostat. This will do the exact same thing as an HRV without the heat recovery. Try it as a temporary solution, you can replace the switch with a timer or humidistat or just run it manually for a while. See how much of a difference it makes to your home humidity and gas bill. You can also get a new thermostat to control it so it turns on with your furnace based on humidity levels. Ideally it should run with the furnace fan so the furnace can bring new air in at the same time.
Also check your humidifier as others have mentioned, usually they are controlled with a humidistat located in your furnace room which is a pretty stupid location when you think about it. Turning it off is probably best for now.
Air circulation is key to reduce mold growth as well so increasing your furnace fan duty cycle is a good idea and of course keeping your furnace filter clean.