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Old 03-19-2013, 02:25 AM
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WarDog WarDog is offline
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Thanks for all the useful information, I will keep it in mind.
Yes this rock would be for a new reef (my first), and yes I understand that the main point of having live rock is for filtration and that over the years it would be completely covered in corals. Frankly I was hoping that if you had liverock with lots of pastel colours or bright pinks and reds that those coralines would remain dominent in the tank down the road... even after cycling and die-off. If I am going to be spending hundreds of $$$ just on liverock, is it too much to ask for something unique rather than just some more purple rock?... not that these tanks look bad at all. I just ordered a new car from the factory... red... there are plenty of blacks, greys, and whites on the lot... and the road... but I don't want to be like everyone else.
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