I tee'd up the bigger joke nicely! Well played guys!
Ok, I am planning the sump I am going to build. First time doing this, and after some research I have come up with the attached design. This is going to sit in the cabinet beside the tank so will need to plan the plumbing next (stayed tuned!)
It is a 29 gallon sump which I think should be a good size. Here are my question that I need to answer - if you have any suggestions please let me know:
1. Baffles - the height of the sump is 19" and the two sets of bubble traps has the middle baffle at 16" with 1" off the bottom. Each outside baffle is 14" and go right to the bottom. I am paranoid about flooding so want to make sure the baffle height is right from that perspective.
2. My skimmer is a Reef Octopus NWB110 4" pinwheel - the drawing is based on dimensions. Have I left enough room on either side?
3. I am going to attach a BRS GFO and Carbon reactor - this will go in the skimmer section I think.
4. I am going to get a BRS Biopellet reactor - is that ok to feed and drain into the fuge section.
5. Debating using a UV filter I have had from my freshwater days. Not sure where this will go, but thinking in the skimmer section as well?
6. The inlet area I plan to make a media tray with filter floss and purigen in there.
That is the plan as of now - any comments, suggestions on the above questions, or things I am missing I would appreciate your feedback.