So this is what I have accomplished today

I will plumb all the 1" pvc drain to the sump . I am going to run flexible 1"3/4 vinyl tubing from my two Eheim so if I ever have to work in the sump it will be easy to move them around
I spent $100 on fittings more than I need so I don't have to keep running back and forth to Home Depot . I am trying to organize the stand better so it doesn't look like a rats nest of wires. I am hoping to get the new tank up on the stand tomorrow if I can get a few guy together to lift it up Lots of fun. The fish seam happy and the tank look good half empty or half full however you want to look at it.
Fortunately I didn't have to much of a ammonia spike after my son urinated in the tank

Time to hit a bottle of red .