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Old 03-16-2013, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by fixerupper View Post
This is one of the advantages of LEDs. We don't have central A/C and there were several days last summer that the tank climbed into the low 80s for a while. During those few days I removed the tops to take advantage of evaporative cooling. It never did get to the point where I had to mount a surface fan. I think if a person lived in a hot climate, had a warm house or used MH lights, the heat trapped by a top would be more of an issue.
I do have LEDs, but even last summer the tank temp rose into the mid 80's during the day (no a/c either). I threw a fan on the sump which did help. Been watching the cover thread and may move to a glass/lexan top for a cover.

I think I will go with skinning the tank to start.
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