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Old 03-15-2013, 09:11 PM
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kien kien is offline
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Originally Posted by mohammadali View Post
why would u kill em ?
give me some free frags
You know what they say about one man's trash being another man's treasure I've been living with Blue Cloves for years. I love them. I have blue cloves butting up against soft corals (zoas, mushrooms, gsp, etc), as well as LPS and SPS and they don't sting any of my corals. I wonder if there are different types of blue/purple cloves and some sting while others don't?

Blue cloves at the base of most of my SPS (frags and colonies)..

Blue cloves up against zoas..

Blue cloves on clams:

This particular clam now has his shell COMPLETELY covered in cloves. Looks kinda cool.

I can understand that some people just simply find them unattractive (beauty is in the eye of the beholder), but never understood how blue cloves killed corals.

By the way, that reef central link doesn't work?
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