Originally Posted by asylumdown
ah! I wasn't but man that was cute. I usually adhere to the 'if it doesn't live in the ocean, fish shouldn't eat it' philosophy, but that was a professional aquarium. I also note that they had lots of cowfish in the same tank. There were two in the tank at the store when I got mine and they seemed to get along fine, but the interwebs said that they wont' tolerate each other so I only got one. I had really wanted two. I'm wondering now if I should have gotten them both!
Sometimes you just have to break some rules to get through

Since you got a biggy tank and two of them were buddies back in LFS; you could have given them a shot.
Use instincts

Heck I break all the laws in saltwater and keep 7 happy fishes in 20 gallon (soon to be 8)