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Old 03-14-2013, 01:54 AM
Oilers Oilers is offline
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Originally Posted by denny@conceptaquatics View Post
youve been told right , basically if you add all the bottle at once you are feeding your corals and fish , if you want to raise them youll need to do it outside of the display , so a fuge or sump area.

dose the pods, feed live phyto immediately afterwards, then feed phyto when ights out again.

i feed 2 oz a day , 1 in the morn and 1 at night.

i dont agree that keeping a mandarin longterm is based on getting it to eat frozen , they starve long before " long term " kicks in, keeping a mandarin longterm is making sure it has enough food be it live or prepared....either way long term is eating period, whatever you need to do.

fwiw i have 3 mandarins in a 75g cube i dose pods and feed live phyto daily.....if you keep up with it your tank is going to be riddled with pods of different types, not only the ones you dose as phyto feeds them all....sponges and coral too!!
Thanks for the info. Denny. Did you get my last PM about the package? I haven't heard back from you or Dawn so I am wondering if we still have a deal or not.
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