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Old 03-13-2013, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by HarleyC View Post
Not sure, but I see the odd white mark on a few of the fishes. We moved the entire tank last Friday and maybe the stress was too much.
Maybe I am seeing things.
Should wait a day or two and see if it really is ICH?
Should I go get a QT tank as a back up?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I would at this point simply keep an eye on your fish. If they are still behaving normally and eating they should be able to kick the ich. Since this is a new tank transfer it certainly could be ich due to stress, but it could also be due to debris in the water and possibly sand on their body. Do you have pictures? Also, I am assuming that no new fish or corals have been added so it probably isn't some other pathogen like marine velvet. It sounds like you simply transferred the entire contents of the previous owner's tank to your house which in effect is just like a tank transfer.

Anyway, keep an eye on them and report back if they start behaving strangely like gasping for air at the water surface, or if they stop eating or if they seem lethargic and not swimming much or constantly scratching their sides/gills on rockwork, etc.
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