This big goon Mike was the first person to reach out and lend a helping hand when I was having a tank crisis.
My tank went completely downhill after a move from the ex boyfriends house to my house (ex boyfriend neglected the tank, when we moved it it stirred up all kinds of crap in the sand bed - it was a bad time!)
Anyways I went from being ready to quit, having a tank that I couldn't even see my fish through, to having Mike knock some sense into me and my tank is now BETTER THAN EVER!
Mike helped me over the phone both via text and facetime. He gave me advice and asked me for daily updates on the tank and how it was doing.
Mike advised me to "black out" the tank for a week, we put towels and blankets all around the tank and let in ZERO light for a week. He also told me to get filter floss. By the end of the week, my tank was literally CRYSTAL clear - I had never seen it this clear before, and the filter floss that I was pulling out of the tank was absolutely disgustingly green and full of algae.
Mike has provided me with a lot of insight and help since then, and shortly following my disgusting green tank I had an ICH outbreak which Mike also held my hand through.
Thank you Mike, I would probably have quit by now if it weren't for you! I finally have a grasp on my tank, routine maintenance and I love it more than ever. It's so rewarding and I really feel like I know what I'm doing now to keep it at the state its in. All thanks to you!
Patience is key in the hobby of reef keeping. All you can do is wait, and wait, rip your hair out, and then wait some more.