You should be using sodium ascorbate not the vitamine C pills from the store (acid ascorbic) because those are too acidic to use in our tanks.
I buy my vitamine C from, sodium ascorbate. It cost around 15$ for a bottle and it last for a year or more.
But why would you want to dose vitamine C?? I only dose it to help prevent my zoanthids from melting and it is helping a little bit but yeah, it does act as a carbon source and dosing must be started very low as it could crash your tank with a bacteria bloom. Althought the sodium acsorbate does not contain sugar, so it is better.
If you dose any carbon source and see a white film form on glass and stuff, you must stop dosing.
I would never dose in a 10 gallons tank, unless it is a hospital tank for zoanthids...way too unstable for this type of experiment.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...