I have a few items im looking to sell off just to do a bit of housekeeping. Not sure on the names of the sps so take it for what it is lol.
First is a large colony of some type of stag i believe. It is about 5" tall and 4" wide. Purple with green polyps. Looking for 50$ obo. If the price is way off let me know. Or better yet make me an offer

Same coral but a smaller piece. About 2" x 3" roughly. 10$
Next is about a 2" poccilapora frag on a piece of rubble. 15$ obo
Red plating monti i believe. It is about 3" x 1.5" roughly. 20$ obo
Not sure what this is but i have a healthy encrusted frag about 1.5" tall multi branch. 10$ on coral rubble. This is the mother colony.
Pulsing xenia. 5$ all you can handle lol.
Green Star Polyps. 5$ per inch by inch frag fresh cut only. No pics
Frags of frogspawn 3 heads for 20$ obo. /