Originally Posted by gridley
I have an ATO tank that holds 14 g - to fill it I do need to carry 5g buckets water upstairs every Thursday evening. I would love to have a more automated system but like others I have the challenge of the tank being on one floor and the RO/DI in the basement. I have looked at simple ways to run a line from the basement to upstairs, but there is no easy way. Also like others I am afraid that a drilled hole in the floor might result in my premature funeral  . Having said this, I have found a way to automate my system somewhat - a 15 year old son who can carry the buckets of water upstairs! Sometimes this system is tough to get started, but it sure beats me carrying the buckets upstairs!
That trick only Lasts so long. Dad grabbed the valves from work I have the on the inlet side of the ro/do system so the copper valve body isn't a problem. He did find some at princess auto ( copper body). I know they make a all plastic one as well as stainless but their expensive ill see if dad remembers who makes them and the supply house to get them from. The timer I'm using I got from Home Depot. For those that their tank is on a different floor if you have a furnace vent close you could snake it up that way or have a length of hose off your ro that you pull out when you need to top up the resivior I used to do that before we renoed the house.