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Old 03-11-2013, 06:18 AM
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lockrookie lockrookie is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: regina
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lockrookie is on a distinguished road

It it possible to start out low cost but it never ends that way over all. If you wish to save money they key is DIY. I bought a 180g with a broken front pane for 150$ spent 300 on new glass and made the tank the way I wanted it to build a 75 or 80g yourself would be easy if you have the time and patience to research. And DIY. Now I understand its not for everyone and I don't know how handy you are or are not. By have it as an option. This way you can build how you want it exactly. If your concern is that this is your first tank and if it doesn't go well you hope not to lose too much coin. Start with a cheap 20g for a year. And in the mean time safe up for thAt tank size you desire most... Contact concept aquariums and custom order or DIY. In the long haul you don't want to cheap out on your forever display tank after all you have to look at it every day... We don't...skimmer get decent off the bat at least double total water volume including sump... And lights I wasted so much on lights it makes me want to hurl and I'm still not happy not sure if I ever will be but I know my power company loves me with my recent lights.

All in all do what is going to be easiest for you to maintain.. Funds for additives and salt for weekly/biweekly water changes. This hobby can relax you, stress you, break your soul and wallet. But once you have success you will be thrilled until the random crash killed everything lol hopefully not but it happens.

Final words on the matter research research research patience patience patience

That is all
Desperately seeking serenity ...
180g custom build

50g custom daycare tank...
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