I would recommend the hypo as well
you will have some die-off of the worms and such..but the bacteria should be fine as it can adjust to hypo conditions
I personally would take the corals and inverts out with a 1/3 of your life rock
drain half your tank and fill it up with fresh water
sounds scary..but I have done it numerous times
you can than adjust your salinty the next day to bring it down to the .009
(probably about a 1/3 of your tank to be emptied and filled again with fresh water)
leave it like that for 6 weeks just to be safe
and slowly raise your salt over a 3 day period.
I have done it numerous times without problem
I wouldn't recommend copper for ich
if you notice the fish still have ich after a week..then copper is required because you would have one of the rare strain of hypo-resistant ich
if you treat your fish without LR in whatever style you try, you will have to be doing substantial and frequent waterchanges which would be probably problematic for such a long period of time.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP