Originally Posted by paddyob
Once I get the tank running and established I'll start my phyto and roti cultures.
So yea. I don't know what the H.E. double hockey sticks I'm doin but I'm hoping to take my hobby to a different level. And I hope it works.
Originally Posted by howdy20012002
getting them to breed, IMO, is the big first step.
if you have luck in that department I would love to hear of what you are doing to get them to breed.
I would hold off for the rotifers and phyto because even if they do breed, they recommend leaving them alone for the first 2 or 3 batches so you don't spook them.
it doesn't take that long to get the cultures up and running.
I agree. I plan to have the tank established and as you mentioned, breeding before going into phyto.
However, I could use the phyto for other feeding purposes too I am sure if I had extra sitting around.
This is a long term project for me. More of an "I F**KING LOVE CLOWNFISH lets turn the hobby up a notch!". I am looking to challenge myself. Maybe if my fish get lucky... I will too.