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Old 03-09-2013, 09:19 PM
drabber drabber is offline
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Default 125 gallon basement sump build

hey all,
so its time to upgrade my overcrowded / overstocked 65 gallon tank, to my 6 ft 125 gallon with 40 breeder sump.

some parts ive picked up.
-4 x sol blues with controller
-mp40 circ pump
-vertex omega 150 skimmer.
-apex controller with temp, ph and cond probes
- helix max 18 watt sterilizer
-reeflo dart hybrid pump.

- started to work on my return header today drilled the bulkhead holes and started my header. ran 1.5 up from the basement to two 3/4 bulkheads. still need to put in the ball valves and unions. will post as i finish.

drilled the hole for my return through the floor and dry fit to the pump

- will post more as i get stuff done!

let me know what you think!
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