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Old 03-09-2013, 04:46 AM
Mike-fish Mike-fish is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Ardrossan,Alberta
Posts: 460
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Default Dt hypo treatment

Hi all

I'm considering dropping the 270g into hypo to treat the ich problem I have currently. I'm currently dosing herbtana day 3 but I have little faith in it after doing some reading. The plan would be transfer the corals and nems to a holding tank during the treatment rather than tear apart the dt to reduce the stress on the fish. Then start dropping the dt to a sg of 1.009 for 6-8 weeks then slowly bringing it back up to1.025 over 2 weeks.
The stocking list is:
1 purple tang
1 one spot fox face
1 valigmi tang
1 powder blue tang
1 sailfin tang
2 clowns
1 copper band butterfly
1 cleaner wrase
3 chromis
2 fire fish

The only ones without ich are the cleaner wrasse and the firefish.

So does this plan sound good or will it back fire. Any thing else I should know about.
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