Originally Posted by Nano
"Nice wrasse(s)" 

Always had some on my list and am very happy to have them now
Originally Posted by zhasan
Those are some nice looking wrasses Greg!
How long till they see the display tank?
It depends on how they look over the next couple days
I don't like the idea of treating prophylactically, so, if there's no signs of internal/external stuff ( parasites, worms etc ), they'll go through Hypo and be in the DT in about 6 weeks
Thanks to J&L for the Flasher and Fairy, and Albert and his buddy for the Coris
Here's a shot of the Coris
I thought I'd better post a shot of him in the bag as there's probably no chance of a good pic once he goes in the QT
Reason is how tiny he is
That's an 8" bag he's in

Cute little bugger. I've never seen one so small