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Old 06-10-2004, 06:43 AM
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krissyfish20 krissyfish20 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 30
krissyfish20 is on a distinguished road
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Nothing else is in the tank because I caught him and separated him from my actual tank. He's in a 2.5 gallon eclipse with a couple pieces of live rock. I had a few fish in my actual tank that disappeared mysteriously, and I'm sure he's the reason. But right now he has nothing but a few pieces of rock. He seems to be happy, and snatches up the invertebrate pellets really fast. I guess if I ever have any fish I don't want anymore I can just give them to him! (j.k.). I actually noticed him when I looked really closely at a yellow polyp rock that started looking very sparse with it's corals. I actually caught him in the act of grabbing a polyp. He's a disaster to a tank, but so cute now that he's isolated!
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