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Old 03-06-2013, 06:31 AM
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Originally Posted by FragIt Dan View Post
After having the same problem with determining Mg concentration and dosing requirements of Taylor Aquatics, I asked Brad (Taylor) what the concentration was (I live a short drive from where he used to work). He wouldn't tell me, but he said it was comparable to other liquid commercial products. I wasn't too keen on his answer and despite wanting to support a local business, I have switched over to Brightwell Aquatics products which lists concentration in detail. You can probably safely assume T.A. Mg is about the same concentration as any of the ones listed on the reef calculators. I think you will be surprised how much Mg you need to add to raise it. Personally, I use dry anhydrous Mg.
As for dosing alk, seems like you have that dialed in!
Ca... you can let it fluctuate like that but it will cost your corals a bit of energy to adjust to the swings in concentration. This is energy they would normally be able to put into growth and regeneration. If you want your corals to be healthier and grow faster (as funny as it sounds you actually might not want them to grow faster) you can add Ca between WCs to keep it more constant.
Regarding cost of testing: it is more expensive when you are learning but gets cheaper once you are dialed in. Depending on cost of WCs, it can be cheaper to do more of them and less testing. I think you will find once you are dialed in you will test every couple of weeks or even less. I test when things don't look right. For me, that's every couple of months. This slows growth, but I am not too worried about that. They seem to grow plenty fast personally, if you are standing at the tank dosing already, I would dose Ca and Mg at the same time.
Good luck!

Thank you so much Dan

I am a bit worried about the drop of 1dkh per day in my 20 gallon (filled with 50+ corals) but I guess its just the environment that got created in my tank.

I was thinking of Ca dosing, maybe like increase it by 20ppm or something in the middle of the week.

I thought I would go away without dosing but I guess I proved that one can "overstock" corals too :P

My corals are growing like crazy and I wouldn't mind some slow growth :P I just need the colors.

Thanks for typing that detailed reply with iphone. Typing in such "small" screen can be might want to move to something "bigger" Galaxy Note perhaps?

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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