Huge work in progress, but I feel I am far enough in to start a thread and not have it move too slowly.
I started with a 90g in my condo, and once I bought my house I knew a bigger tank is what I needed, so a 330g 72x32x32. So to start I bought a 220g sump (72x30x22) to house the occupants of the 90g from my condo till I could afford to build the Display.
Started by spending hours figuring out how the basement will look. (Did this before I even had possession.

The tank is 2/3's in the living room, and 1/3 in the fish/furnace room.
Walls going up.
Walls kinda up, dry walled and painted the important ones. And put up a two tube 8' T8 fixture.

Huge mess, the sump turned temp holding tank is full of water and a bunch of live rock added.
Decided I needed a frag tank, and couldn't find room, so I hung it from the ceiling. You can see my skimmer and diy led fixtures.
After a few months the money to order the tank was available, so time to build the stand.

It's all glued and screwed.
My saltwater mixing station, 20g fresh water barrel on top of a 45g salt mixing station. It's piped to the sump now, not pictured.
Putting the top and bracing on the stand.
Because the tank is half in the wall I needed to have a table for them to build the tank on. Tank is 72x32x32.
Tank is built, black vinyl on the sides, black acrylic on the back.
Bad news though, they scratched the main glass.

1.5" scratch that was pretty much dead center and eye level. sigh.
Replacement front glass....

Yup, that's a scratch again. same spot but a vertical scratch instead of horizontal.
How'd that 4 year old get in there?

Thirt time was the charm for the glass.
External overflow.
Didn't want to take a chance with another scratch.

5 bucks worth of painters tape.
And 15 bucks worth of corrugated plastic.
Did I mention I hate drywall work?
A shot of the starting of the of my plumbing, and the hanging frag tank with my sump fish tank.
Just need to finish the plumbing and wait for the silicon to dry.
It'll be and SPS tank.
I have the following fish right now:
Gold flake angel
Chevron tang
Blue throat trigger pair
4 snowflake clowns
5 Lyretail anthias
Want to add:
Purple tang
Yellow tang
Sailfin tang
Magnificent fox face
Blonde naso
I want to put an exhaust fan in the room too, but I need the exhaust to travel about 14'. Is that ok for a normal fan? or should I do an inline type fan?