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Old 03-05-2013, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
I would think you need to be honest and decide if you really enjoy all the tanks or is the amount of work/costs causing you to resent them, as much as you love your fish. I think when the resentment starts, its time to reevaluate what you have going on and decide from there. Why not keep one of the 230's and one of the smaller tanks and blend your favorites. You don't mention how you feel about your reef (corals), so maybe keep the large fowlr and a smaller reef, best of both worlds, but half the costs.
Ya I've always cared more about the fish then the corals. My absolute must have no matter what fish is my thornback boxfish. However by choosing him first and foremost it limits the kind of tank I can have. Boxfish need peaceful tank mates and low flow. I've also discovered too big of tankmates even peaceful ones stress them out and the rock work has to be set up in a way they won't get themsleves stuck in it. I lost my cowfish from him getting stuck in the rocks so I want to be careful about that.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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