Originally Posted by lastlight
my relief at being free of the monthly costs out-weighed my regrets i have to say. that and i could also tell from doing a few water changes larger than 50g weekly that the tank would look even better if i invested MORE into it to do bigger changes to both water and all the media. Feels great to be returning to a volume of water I have had before and i also know the associative costs that go with it.
I can relate to this as well.. It was really hard to shut down my 131g because I was really attached to my fish. Both tanks started to slide as a result tho. I still miss my clown tang, emperor angel and parrot fish and banana wrasses.. It is a lot easier to maintain the mixed reef with only 150g as opposed to 300+ gallons across two tanks though.
I think we all have a certain water volume that's the 'sweet spot' for us while taking into account our current lifestyle. If you move beyond your 'sweet spot' you risk overextending yourself. Mind you that 'sweet spot' can also change over time as your lifestyle changes.