Originally Posted by Coralgurl
Families take different shapes and you've made your fish part of yours. I've got a couple that I've had for almost 2 years and as frustrated as I get, can't imagine not having them! You are funny though, if the right tank came up, you'd do another one.....you said so earlier today...lol 
That's cause I was thinking of how much cheaper and easier it would be to maintain a 90g cube instead of my 3 big tanks. There are certain fish more then others that I'm attached to that I can't imagine parting with. That being said though I'd feel guilty/sad rehoming the others.
I recently went over my monthly budget and I'm over budget every month by $500 in bills. Explains why my credit card is jumping up by leaps and bounds instead of getting paid off. Kinda thinking I need to cut back on bills before I get more into debt, and shutting down my big tanks (I'm estimating) would save around $200 a month in power and water.
Originally Posted by lastlight
That'd be the TRUE test of how addicted he really is to My Little Ponies Multiplayer 2000 or whatever the heck he's into these days. Laurie attempts to move into his tank... does he step in?
My hunch is you'd regret it Laurie. You like your big fish a bunch from what I know. I had one hell of a time parting with my Big Mac and only had him 6 months. For the last month he spent in my tank I barely ever went down to watch him. The tank had been gutted of all its coral and I didn't want to see him knowing that I'd be losing him. You're far more invested into big fish than I was.
Funny you should mention "moving into" his tank as when I talked to him about downsizing my tanks his response was to completely shut his tank down as he rarely takes care of it and rarely looks at it. Sadly his tank still looks way nicer then mine
Not 100% sure I'd regret it, but most likely I would. Somedays I think about how much money I'd save and how I wouldn't have to feel guilty for not always taking proper care of the tank etc. etc. but then I think about this or that fish and how much I like them and how it's really not that much work to take care of it (just a matter of not being lazy and getting it done) and I change my mind once again.