Finally I have my livestock back in the tank. I did loose two cardinals though but I'm not going to beat myself up over it I did the best I could. I was extremely happy to see my clowns made it through no problem. Wrasse looks stressed out. Blennie seens okay. Goby ok. shrimps no problems. Nems seem okay they are open and bubbled up. Surviving cardinal is good. I think the other two got crushed by a rock. So lessons learned are always have lots of heated tank water. Aquire lots of 5 gallon buckets to move water around. extra carbon is good have and prime on hand if needed. Replace your sand bed. Since your moving the tank give it a good scrub I did and am very glad I did. Soak your pumps in a vinegar solution while they are out of the tank. Have a stack of towels on hand you'll need them. Take a picture of your aqua scape before you brake it down.ect ect ect. Biggest thing take your time go slow think 5 steps ahead of yourself. If it goes sideways like my move did just adapt. My livestock spent a total of 4 days in a 45 gallon Brute can with all my rock and corals. I used a powerhead and a heater that I calibrated before the move. 3 days would have been fine 4 was pushing it.
Its 2 AM so time for bed.
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