So I have finally had a bit of time to do some work on the 150 gallon tank. I purchased the glass for the overflow and decided I was going to use 1/4 inch glass. I am quite happy with the strength of it, although it took longer to drill my holes then ususal. Here it is all covered with tape and siliconed on the inside.
I have drilled the holes as close to the back as I can, leaving enough room for the bulkhead flange. It is going to be 7 inches by 7 inches (including 2 inches of egg crate).
Here is my poor empty tank, waiting for the overflow to be attached and then the plumbing to be done, again.
The pipes will run down the back of the tank and then a 90 degree to then run into the holes in the middle of the tank. I will pile the my rock over the pipes to hide them, but it saves me from trying to lay this beast on it's side to drill through the 1/2 inch glass. Big sigh, deep breath and lets try to get it right this time. I have decided that I need some new toys too.... I will add photo's as they arrive.
My fish and livestock are now in my 75 Gallon, a little crowded but so far everyone is getting along.