Thread: 30g fish
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Old 03-03-2013, 11:39 PM
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fixerupper fixerupper is offline
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I've got several aggressive fish and they don't bother my PJs from what I've experienced. It's probably because we gave them tough sounding names. Brutus, Tank and Dozer seem to hold their own just fine. I wasn't aware that it was a prerequisite to keep them in groups though.

20 year old Hagen 100g 6' mixed reef. 36g sump with multiple broken Waveline products removed. Lights T5-LED combo.
1 Coral Beauty, 1 Flame, 1 Blue Tang, 5 Green Chromis, 2 Pajama Cardinals, Asst'd hermits & snails.
2 large boxes of broken expensive aquarium crap. 1 x VERY understanding wife.
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