Thread: Uh-oh, Dinos.
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Old 02-28-2013, 04:18 AM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
That's some really nice results! I love looking at things under the microscope but mine is not producing such great result. Even then it is fun to watch all those creepy creatures. I sometime grab a bit of sand or scrape from the liverock to check it out and I am always amazed what I can find.

As soon as I have the money for it I will order that microscope too. It does look like dinos.

Thanks for posting.
Yah it's freaking cool! There's definitely a pretty broad range in what you can get from a scope I've noticed. I've seen photos online that I couldn't dream of producing, regardless of how nice the camera is. Some have high magnifications, but not necessarily great resolution. I thought I was spending a lot of money until I found a site that didn't start selling scopes until the $1000 mark. They can get ridiculous.
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